Advice From The Ritchie's Experts

Picking a Tree
Picking a tree What do I need to know before picking a tree? It is really important to have an understanding of the area in which you are going to plant the tree. More important than anything is knowing how...
Plants for Hummingbirds
Plants for Hummingbirds Annuals: Fuschia sp. Fuschia Impatiens balsamina Balsam Impatiens capensis Jewelweed Lantana sp. Lantana Petunia sp. Petunia Phlos drummondii Annual Phlox Saliva splendens Scarlet Sage Tropaeolum majus Nasturtium Verbena sp. Verbena Perennials: Achillea sp. Yarrow Aconitum sp. Monkshood...
Container Gardening Perennials
Container Gardening Perennials (zone 1-3b) Achillea millefolium Yarrow Aconitum nappellus Common Monkshood Aconitum x cammarum 'Bicolour' Bicolour Monkshood Adiantum pedatum Five Fingered Maindenhair Fern Aegopodium podagraria Goutweed Agastache foeniculum Anise-Hyssop Anemone sylvestris Anemone Aquilegia alpina Alpine Columbine Aquilegia canadensis Wild...
Rabbit Resistant Perennials
Rabbit Resistant Perennials Acanthus hungaricus Hungarian Bear's-Breeches Acanthus mollis Bear-Breeches Acanthus spinosus Spiny Bear's-Breeches Achillea filipendulina Fernleaf Yarrow Achillea millefolium Yarrow Achillea sibirica Siberian Yarrow Achillea tomentosa Woolly Yarrow Aconitum x cammarum 'Bicolour' Bicolour Monkshood Aconitum lamarckii Yellow Monkshood Aconitum...
Transplanting / Planting Shrubs Choose an overcast day for transplanting, preferably the morning. Dig planting hole twice the size of your root ball, setting aside removed soil. Mix, removed soil, with a triple mix soil to the ratio of 50/50....
Growing your Own Vegetables
Thinking of growing your own? First time Grower? Have a green thumb but need some advice?Growing your own food can be very rewarding.We get many questions about growing vegetables in backyards, balconies and patios.Here are the basics outlined for you....
Mulching is placing a layer of material on the surface of the soil to protect plants. Types of mulch There are two types of mulch: Organic: Organic mulching includes compost, bark, mulch, shredded bark, decorative bar, peat moss, grass clippings...
Opening your pond in spring
Opening Your Pond In Spring If a pond is well installed, it can be the most attractive part of your landscape, however, if not installed properly it can be one of the most difficult items to maintain. When you are...
Fertilizers and their uses. What are fertilizers? Fertilizers are basically food for plants. They contain various mixtures that help to ensure that the plant has everything it needs nutrient wise to fulfill its needs. What do all the numbers mean?...
Toxic to Dogs
Plants Toxic to Dogs Botanical name Symptoms Common name Abrus precatorius Severe vomiting and diarrhea (sometimes bloody), tremors, high heart rate, fever, shock, and death. Seeds are highly toxic. Buddhist Rosary Bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean,...
Gardening 101 – For Beginners
Why are soils important? Soils are the foundation of our growing cycle. The soil provides the basic nutrients and water source for plants. The type of soil and its quality will determine what type of plants can be grown as...
Winterizing your pond
Winterizing your pond Having a pond is often associated with a lot of work, but there is really very little that needs to be done to keep a pond, and even less to maintain the pond over winter. In Ottawa,...
Controlling Algae
Controlling Algae in Your Pond There are two types of algae to be concerned about in your decorative pond. The first is suspended algae which is a free floating algae that causes your pond to turn the greenish colour often...
Toxic to Horses
Plants toxic to horses Botanical name Symptoms Common name Abrus precatorius Severe vomiting and diarrhea (sometimes bloody), tremors, high heart rate, fever, shock, and death. Seeds are highly toxic. Buddhist Rosary Bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean,...
Lawn Care 101
Having a lawn is the equivalent to having a large garden with only one plant. People often do not realize the amount of work and care required to keep a lawn as thick and as full as people usually want...
Pruning Hydrangeas
Pruning Hydrangeas FIRST, it's important to know that mophead hydrangeas do not have to be pruned back - ever - unless they are very old. Removing dead stems is the only pruning that must be done for the health of the...
When to Prune
  When and how to prune each shrub or bush can be difficult to navigate. Here are a number of lists of when it is best to prune.   Pruning Times for Flowering Shrubs   Prune in Early Spring or...
Fruit Tree Planting & Care
Can I plant a fruit tree in this zone? the answer is YES- there are many you can plant and we can show you how.
Container Gardening
Good reasons for container planting The container themselves are decorative as well as the plant material. Perfect for small gardens. They provide a good medium for mixing and matching plant material. They can be used to camouflage bad views or...